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Have we had enough of the Victorians. Are we falling in love instead with the excitment of the era which came before. Andrew Roberts and Kate Williams discuss this on the Today Programme. 

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“The country house where one of post-war Britain’s biggest political scandals began is hosting a literary festival in keeping with its history as a centre of intrigue.

With talks entitled “Putin, Spooks and Honeytraps: The inside story of modern espionage” and “How to Stay Married”, the programme for Cliveden Literary Festival could hardly be more apt.”

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MI6 regrets helping Putin to get elected, says ex-Spy by David Sanderson

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Rise of Trump ‘makes satire unnecessary’ by David Sanderson

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MI6 regrets helping Vladimir Putin to get elected as Russia’s President, former spy chief says

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Dame Helen Morrissey: Men and women need to work together to bring more women into the boardroom

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Former MI6 Chief Says Doubts Russia Altered US 2016 Presidential Election Results

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Response from the Kremlin: Kremlin Says Did Not Know MI6 Gives Permission To Prime Ministers To Go To Theaters

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The festival combines a remarkable line up of speakers and talks with a one-of-a-kind setting for an irresistible weekend of intellect and intrigue

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“Tony Blair’s visit to Putin ahead of his election now sparks ‘SIGNIFICANT REGRET’”

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